Monday, March 9, 2015

Upcoming March Meeting - Medical Marijuana

Hello my lovely chronic pain sufferers and fibromites! Hope you are all doing relatively well. "I" have just gotten over the lovely flu. Friendly reminder to take your vitamins and wash your hands often! Not being a 'mom' or anything. Just trying to save you a bit of horrible suffering. Or that's what it felt like. LOL!

Know what happens when we get sick? Besides feeling absolutely awful? We get ran down. Get even more tired and sluggish. The soreness amps up (Is that even possible? Sadly, yes.) So on and so forth. I don't know about you, but right after being sick I slide into a nice flair. You know, to cap off the lovely week that we are having lol. Why am I talking to you about this? Hang in there. I'm almost to the point. Flairs like to bring pain. The to the bone the bone and right to the OMG is this really necessary kinda pain. I know you are familiar with it. Which brings me to my point of this post. We need options. To relieve the pain. To lessen the pain. Anything to address the pain.

There are medicines out there that help with pain. That make living with chronic pain more bearable. If you are lucky enough to find a doctor that will listen to you. To work with you. Most often you are alone in the pain journey. Which is why I am so excited about this support group. Such wonderful people to share with. I don't feel quite so alone anymore. I don't feel like I am the 'only' one who understands pain and being tired. But to stay on track... There are medicines, mental and physical therapy programs, councelors, doctors, etc that you encounter along the way on your pain journey. To me, even with the all of these I strive for more. I want more options! I don't want to feel this way. I don't want to be in pain every day.  So I am continually looking for other avenues to explore.

Oregon has just passed the use of medical marijuana. That is pretty exciting! Admittedly I know nothing about it. I fear for those that will abuse it. I cheer for those who find that coveted relief. I ponder what is the best route for me to go.

March's meeting will have a speaker that is PRO MARIJUANA. That should be interesting and really informative. I highly recommend attending and get some of your questions answered. Then in April we will have a person speaking AGAINST MARIJUANA. Balance out the issue nicely. I think its very beneficial to attend both meetings so you may make a educated decision that works for you and your lifestyle/pain issues. Its just another option or tool in your bucket. No pressure to try it or not try it. Just a push to go and listen to BOTH sides and get INFORMED.

So that being said... I will see you TOMORROW night March 10th at 6:00 pm at the Willamette Medical & Pain Management Partner building at 2401 River Road - I do believe it will be downstairs this time to accomodate the larger crowd. See you there!

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