Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 10th Meeting Cncelled

Hello everyone :) Are you cold enough? If you're like me, they can turn up the heat anytime now...

Unfortunately the meeting tonight has been cancelled. We will just resume normal schedule on the second Tuesday of January. 

But due to the crazy ice and snow we are having, tonights meeting has been cancelled. I hope today finds you safe, warm, and hopefully, pain free. Or at the very least, a little less painfull. Soft hugs and warm wishes to all of you!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November 2013

Meeting began as usual with the meet and greet. Had some new people so thats fantastic. Means we are getting ourselves out there and heard. Thank you Janice and Robin!

A phrase that our dear Rob came up with was "Don't let your struggle, become your identity." Profound isn't it? Take a moment and think on that statement. Totally epic in my opinion.

Few things came up as reminders. The Tamarac pool is offering free sessions the 1st and 2nd Saturday of each month. Ai Chi (like tai chi but in the water) in a salt water pool from 3 to 4 pm. Located on Donald street, its a great treat for yourself if you can make it.

As of January 7th, we'll be adding new support groups. The first tuesday of each month from 2 to 4pm in the community room downstairs.  So if you can't make the evening ones, this gives you another opportunity to get more resources.

December 10th meeting will be our Christmas meeting. Our third annual meeting. Woohoo! 3 years strong. Love it. Couldn't and WOULDN'T have happened if Janice hadn't made it happen. You go girl! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for pushing, making it happen, AND keeping it going. The follow thru is often a breaker and you have not failed. You've even blew by the defense and are going long...

So. As I was saying. December 10th for our next meeting. Bring a small gift that is wrapped and costs under $5.00. The whackier the better. If you are bringing a spouse or support member make sure they too bring a whacky gift so it will be a even exchange. Its the white elephant game that can get slightly out of control. I've never seen blood but I think a few got over eager for a few items last year. Certain members have a very competitive nature. LOL! So bring a whacky gift, a sense of humor, and a small treat to share if you are able or care to do so. Most importantly just seeing you their to partake in our silliness is what matters! You don't even need to spend money on the gift. If you have something in your stash that you think will bring a laugh, wrap that bad boy up and we'll see you there!

We even got a gift this meeting. A timer! I use this method all the time so I know exactly where Janice was going with this. You might be skeptical. Thats fine. Be a skeptic. But "DO" it. "USE" it. And I gaurantee at the end of the month or even the week or day! You'll notice a difference. Its impossible not to. What am I yabbering about? If you follow Flylady you'll know exactly what it is. But for the others... The concept is simple. Do one thing for fifteen minutes. Set the timer! In fifteen minutes if your project isn't done, tough noogies. Move on to something else and set the timer for fifteen minutes. You might not finish your project til' later in the day or even maybe the next morning but you WILL finish it. And you won't be in as much pain. Why? Because (for us with pain issues esp. fs) repetition KILLS. Okay, maybe thats a bit overly dramatic. But seriously folks, repetition of using the same muscles for endless time is not good for us. And following a timer really does help. You just have to get used to it. Here is an example. You have a stack of dishes and its looming over you. Stop. Set a timer for fifteen minutes. Get to work. DING! 15 minutes is up. MOVE ON! Not done? So what? They will still be sitting there waiting for you. If you are tired set your timer and rest for 15 minutes. If not move on to sorting laundry or picking up the house. DING! Not done? SO WHAT?! MOVE ON! No one is here to judge you. And don't make the mistake on judging yourself, you are far too critical. 15 minutes of vacuuming. 15 minutes of rest. 15 minutes back on those dishes. 15 minutes to fold laundry. Pull the weeds. Whatever. Just keep moving to the next thing. So a ton of stuff is getting done but you aren't taxing one set of muscles. Awe. Eye opener huh? Told you she was brilliant. ;)

Lastly, I will leave you with this. Put together a small survival kit. Not a tacklebox people. But just a few things that help you in your 'real' life. You have errands to run etc. Pack a small survival kit to aid you in getting from task to task and errands ran. Janice brings a chair cushion. Because it helps her. Another lady brings a walking stick. I bring heat wraps. Whatever works for you.

Look forward to seeing you December 10th at 6:00 PM @ Pain Manager Partners 2401 River Road.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Depression & Suicide

Depression and suicide. What a conversation starter I am, right? No wonder I don't do well at parties...

Tuesday night was a pretty intense evening. At least for me. I didn't take notes for the most part. Our group shared very personal stories about their personal struggles. Each had five minutes to share. How do you share that you were 'this' close to losing it and why in just five minutes? As a whole, our group is very upbeat. I have to say this is the first meeting I've been to that we discussed such a heavy topic. But as usual, we fit in some jokes, here and there to lighten the moment.

We'd like to share that you are NOT alone. If you have any feelings that are leading to self harm or suicide, call the suicide hotline right away: 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273 Talk. Here in Eugene you can call the white bird clinic at 541-687-4000. Don't be afraid to reach out for help.

A very important thing to do if you suffer from depression is to form an immediate support team. People close to you that know you the best. Make sure you tell them if you are feeling low, share your thoughts, ask for help. It can be a close friend, a parent, a spouse. Whoever you feel most comfortable with. Let them help you! And get in to see a doctor. They can help as well. Get that support team and USE them.

You really do have a lot to live for. Think about what you'd be doing to the people left behind. What you would put them through. Everything that is bad usually does go away. Just get to your team and ride it out. There are online chat boards to use as well. If you just can't get the courage to form the words. But really, its nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone is susceptible to depression. Its worth repeating, you are not alone.

I have a few more things to share in the next week or so. And our next meeting will have a pshychologist to help us build our tools so when we do get depressed we have more resources in our personal arsenol. Look forward to seeing you Tuesday, October 8th, at 6:00 pm. Willamette Pain Center on River Road. Same parkinglot as Albertsons. Next to Shari's.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August Meeting 2013

I want to take a moment to thank you all for being so patient. My personal life effected my attendance and that led to me not reporting to those that could not make it. Then Yahoo had to help me get the blog back. Won't bore you with the details, just merely explaining the delay. :)

The first part of the meeting was discussing the Belnap trip where you travel in comfort. They take lots of breaks for stretching to and from the hot springs. This something you really do not want to miss. It offers one on one time with three professionals and some amazing and delicious food. So mark your calenders for October 23rd and make sure you sign up in advance.

The second thing we discussed was the Oregon Pain Society has a garden experience program going and will have free classes coming up. Janice was lucky enough to play in the dirt abit. She always gets to do the fun stuff. But I won't complain too much because she gives so much of her time and energy to us that she deserves her play time. I just love her! ;) She reported back that they have beds that are 3' high. Genious! I'll be anxious to hear more about this. Can't wait for the free classes. When I hear the dates I'll be sure to let you know.

Another thing to mark your calenders for is September 15th at EWEB in the north building training center. It will be a 4 hour program that is discussing ways to educate not only yourself but members of your family, friends, and caregivers. Things that will be discussed will be the importance of self care, nutrition, stretching, and physical exercise. Don't miss out on the opportunity to educate not only yourselves but also the people you have set up for your pain management. Better yet, there is no charge for this event. Thank you to everyone that made this happen!

Also discussed was Janice met Joshua Haber and Dr. Pingelli (my apologies if thats spelled incorrectly) and after that meeting she was asked to speak on the 20th on our behalf at the pain conference. Thank you Janice for getting the information out there. I feel that we are a huge resource to doctors because if you don't have fibromyalgia or don't suffer from chronic pain you truly don't get it. We can give them honest information for them to become educated in real life examples that they will never get out of a text book. Fibro in particular is easily brushed off by many because its largely misunderstood or dismissed all together. Janice is our voice and I send her many thanks for being that voice.

I'd like to also note that there is going to be alot of changes coming with the Obamacare. Good or bad, you need to be informed. A member suggested going to www.coveroregon.com to keep up on current information and any changes.

We look forward to seeing you every second Tuesday of the month.

Friday, February 22, 2013

February Meeting

Hey, I made a meeting! Good thing too. More wonderful info shared by our members. This meeting was about "What sources do you use to help with pain."

The "Senior Circle" that is sponsored by McKenzie Willamette costs $10.00 a year for seniors and offers yoga, tai chi etc.

You may also try the Cardiovascular Institute for exercise that is supervised if you are impaired and need to be watched while in repetative motion, balancing issues etc.

Also recommended was to move with you entire skeleton. For example, don't just push your arm out to reach for something. Lean into it, using your whole skeleton.

We discussed having a person come in and show us about foot reflexoliogy. This would be very cool.

Sombra, heat, ice packs, moist rice packs were brought up as well.

Look into a tens unit. It provides some relief to some people.

Exercise in general was a hot topic. Your danged if you do, danged if you don't. But your body really needs movement so find a way. Natural endorphines will kick in and help keep you moving. Try exercising in water if regular exercise is too strenuous.  Reward yourself with a long soak in the hot tub before you leave.

Laser light therapy provided by Axis Physical Therapy is wonderful. Everyone who tried it was in love with it. So its definately worth a try.

Use a "Happy Light" as Teri Strong suggested. Helps even with depression. Nice!

Acupuncture is a great tool that works for some. If you haven't tried it yet, its another one to put on your list to try. And a  feed off that is accupressure where you target certain parts of the body with pressure to find relief.

A bath overflow ring that you can buy at Bed Bath and Beyond was a trick shared by a member. I for one had never seen such a thing. It blocks your bathtub over flow giving you an additional 4 inches or more in your tub. That a little nugget of gold right there. When you hurt, you need those extra inches! :)

Still looking for other things to try? Here are some more: Use music to uplift or calm your soul! Get out your essential oils for daily use. Peppermint blocks substance P and gets that brain whirling again. Muscle pain - grab the lavendar and lemongras. Pick up the chamomile for relaxation. The list goes on and on. Essential oils are great tools to add to your arsenal.

Chocolate in moderation can be used for pain. Proven by researchers. Truth. Don't believe me? Google it!

Take your vitamins. Make sure you are getting enough B and D especially.

Another lady recommened those Sciata pills that are advertised in the Sunday paper. She has had good luck with them. So maybe that is something to research.

Lastly, I'd like to mention pets. Yes, pets. Those furry little boogers are a part of your pain team or should be! Snuggling and petting has been proven to relieve stress. So forego the goldfish and get something furry to be your best friend.

Thats it my peeps! Just remember you are your best advocate. Build a team to support you. Hug often as its proven to comfort and heal. And get lots of rest. Hope to see you the second Tuesday of March at 6 pm for our next pain meeting!

January Meeting

I feel really bad but I missed January's meeting. The following is the handout that was given from Teri Strong. And I have no idea why the paper is streaked either. The copy is clean and so is my scanner. Grr. Please disregard the patchy look. ;)