Friday, September 13, 2013

Depression & Suicide

Depression and suicide. What a conversation starter I am, right? No wonder I don't do well at parties...

Tuesday night was a pretty intense evening. At least for me. I didn't take notes for the most part. Our group shared very personal stories about their personal struggles. Each had five minutes to share. How do you share that you were 'this' close to losing it and why in just five minutes? As a whole, our group is very upbeat. I have to say this is the first meeting I've been to that we discussed such a heavy topic. But as usual, we fit in some jokes, here and there to lighten the moment.

We'd like to share that you are NOT alone. If you have any feelings that are leading to self harm or suicide, call the suicide hotline right away: 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273 Talk. Here in Eugene you can call the white bird clinic at 541-687-4000. Don't be afraid to reach out for help.

A very important thing to do if you suffer from depression is to form an immediate support team. People close to you that know you the best. Make sure you tell them if you are feeling low, share your thoughts, ask for help. It can be a close friend, a parent, a spouse. Whoever you feel most comfortable with. Let them help you! And get in to see a doctor. They can help as well. Get that support team and USE them.

You really do have a lot to live for. Think about what you'd be doing to the people left behind. What you would put them through. Everything that is bad usually does go away. Just get to your team and ride it out. There are online chat boards to use as well. If you just can't get the courage to form the words. But really, its nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone is susceptible to depression. Its worth repeating, you are not alone.

I have a few more things to share in the next week or so. And our next meeting will have a pshychologist to help us build our tools so when we do get depressed we have more resources in our personal arsenol. Look forward to seeing you Tuesday, October 8th, at 6:00 pm. Willamette Pain Center on River Road. Same parkinglot as Albertsons. Next to Shari's.

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