Thursday, February 16, 2012

February Meeting Recap

Holy smokes! Was that an amazing meeting or what? Thank you to all of those who could attend. And no worries for those that couldn't make it. I'll get you up to speed in a jiffy!

Since our meeting fell on Valentines Day we didn't know what the turn out would be. So Janice (our most respeced and dedicated leader!) decided that it would be an excellent time to just get together and swap ideas on what each of us do to make our daily life easier. Let me just say I was blown away by all the brilliant ideas that everyone so graciously shared.

First up to bat was the hand towel idea. Did I mention how brilliant these ideas were? Take a ordinary (or fancy!) hand towel and put it in your car. It is so wonderful to fold up and use for back support while driving. There are many options for folding and rolling to ease your comfort. You can use it for your back, your neck, or shoot - even to wipe the windows off. LOL! So easy and useful!

Then we had the dental floss idea. They now have little plastic devices that are already flossed for us. Make sure they are from 'glide' so they don't get stuck. Wouldn't that just suck? :) These are wonderful to use. You can do it one handed and don't waste 2' of floss for cleaning between two teeth. Love this!

Oh the joys of bending over or reaching up high... Ugh. No thank you! If I get down there, I might just not get back up. So here came another light bulb moment from our amazing cohorts. Use a "Pik Stick" or "Grabber" You know, those long handled devices with pinchers on the end? What a life saver. Wonderful for grabbing cereal on the upper shelf, picking up something off the floor, or reaching into a tight crevice. Someone even mentioned using it to pull on their socks. It can do it all. I am going to place a couple strategically around the house.

Kitchen tongs. Not just for the kitchen. Same principle as the Grabber/Pik Stick only not as long of a handle.

Dear heating pad, oh how many of us love thee... :) I think this was on many of our lists to share. (Walgreens carries extra large ones. They are longer and so nice to "wrap around" you.) Several of us use these to sit on or wrap around our backs and hips. This is a must on anyones list. And may I remind you also to get one for your car? Or a heating blanket! If you suffer from aches while driving or traveling just buy an inexpensive inverter. Voila! Comfort and coziness to go!

Heating blankets and pads are so nice to have in bed or near the couch so you can just squish yourself in and be comfy.

Don't forget your dollys people! No I am not talking about dolls or stuffed animals silly. I am talking about handcarts. They now come in collapsable form. These are so wonderful for getting our stuff from a to z. Wheeled back packs and small wheeled luggage are other good resources to utilize. We tend to want to carry everything but the kitchen sink with us. But we all know that its forbidden to do so. We are bound to pay the price for it. So if we still feel compelled to do this, lets do it the smart way.

A grocery tip that really helped Linda came from her physical therapist. They recommend taking an empty box and turning it over in a shopping cart. That way it elevates your groceries so you don't ache from bending in to get your groceries out. Makes it core level and that is so much easier. Also it was recommended to use your handicap stickers if you need to. And don't forget to utilize the motorized carts with the baskets in the front. Lets save our bodies for the fun stuff. Not buying groceries. :)

*I feel compelled to note something about using the handicap permits and spaces. There was much discussion about this. Please people... Use it on days that you need it. If you don't, don't abuse it. So many people are abusing these passes and it so frustrating. Remember the elderly and people with extreme hardships need these too. So before pulling into one, think about your pain level first. If its high, by all means USE IT! But if your having a good day, go ahead and park in a regular spot and count walking in to the store as your exercise for the day.*

A simple tip that many went "Huh?" over was just to get dressed for the day. Don't forget your shoes and makeup. And no sweats! WHY?! I know many of you just had that pop in your head. LOL! But think about it. Even if this is your ONLY accomplishment for the day. Than so be it. But at least you are ready for company, going to the doctor, or taking out the trash. If you allow yourself to just lounge around in ratty pajamas or sweats, what message are you sending to your brain? You are giving it an excuse to be lazy. To wallow a bit. Shoes are just as important as the no sweats and pj rule. One, shoes provide support. Two, it eliminates the excuse for "i'll do that later when I have shoes on" Lets be honest here, we don't need any help in the area of procrastion. Many of us have that one down pat. And number three: We are prone to being a wee bit clutsy. Or I am anyways! So wearing shoes protects our toes.

Raise the washer and dryer onto a platform so it makes it the right height for you. No bending. YEAH!!! The newer sets come with pedestals, but are spendy. If you have access to a handman - he can build you a simple wood box platform for alot less.

A camping matt or memory foam mat in front of the washing area can save your back and legs. These matts work great in front of kitchen sink area too.

Garbage cans with wheels make excellent laundry hampers. You just roll it from your bedroom right up to the wash machine. You can use it to transport the dryer load to wherever you fold your clothes too. This really saves me...

Not that I am promoting theft of any kind but steal, beg, borrow your childs or grandkids wagon when its time to bring in those groceries! Costco makes a kind that folds up for easy storing. Since we can't lift much, we end up with so many little bags of stuff to transport from the car to the house. Just borrow the wagon and put your groceries in it. That way it goes straight from the trunk and you just wheel it all the way to the kitchen and your done. Love this!

For the bathrooms, it is recommended to keep the cleaning supplies in each one. This eliminates extra trips throughout the house. I personally leave a crock full of cleaner and water by the loo for quick swish and swipes. A tub of clorex wipes on the shelf for the seat and shelves. So easy!

Don't forget that a steamer can really save you. Shark makes a great one. Its a must for people with chemical sensitivities. But I think everyone should own one. It does the "scrubbing" for you. The hot steam makes soap scum come off like butter. The baked ickiness on stoves? No problem! And no repeticious scrubbing and shoulder aches. Plus its a "green" way to keep your house clean.

Mr. Clean. Mr. Clean! Yes, I have a love affair with that rugged bald man. I don't know why, but don't you just find ANY man that cleans a house sexy? LOL! My point in this? That bald dude makes magic erasers that are, well, magic! He's got a sponge for cleaning crevices, sharpie marks, and kool aid spills on my counter. Grab an eraser and viola! Easy peasy. I like that.

Put together an emergency pack for your car. Keep it simple. A spare set of meds and pain patches fit nicely in your glove compartment or side pocket of your door. If you have room, throw in an instant ice pack and a thermocare wrap and your ready for anything. Just remember to restock it when you take something out of it.

Can I introduce you to your new best friend? Hello timer! Yep a timer. You can get one very inexpensively at the dollar store. I know it sounds silly but it will become a lifesaver. Or a body saver I should say. All you have to do is set it for 15minutes. Thats it. It is just a friendly reminder for you to switch tasks, stretch, exercise, or whatever. The key is not to do any "one" task for longer than fifteen minutes at a time. Dishes? You can't stand there for longer than 15 minutes. Not done? Tough. Move on to the laundry on the couch. Sit and fold for 15. When it goes off again, go have a cup of tea or a snack. Guess what? Since your 15 minutes is up, you are back at those dishes. This way everything gets done in a day but your aren't exhausting any one particular part of your body. Repetition is the devil that bites us. So bye bye evil brat.

Aren't these ideas yummy? LOL! I love Leannes yummy and delicious phrases so I am going to borrow them and insert them here and there for grins and giggles...

Create a "on the run" bag. Keep only the basics in it. Calculator, pen, stamps, thank you notes, and a book. Then when you are off to a doctor appt or kids activity all you have to do is throw in some bills and your set. There is nothing I detest more than wasted time. This syndrome drives me nuts. As an "aries" I am a "do'er" not a "sitter." At least I used to be... Anyways, with this bag I can take full advantage of that wasted time to write my thank yous and pay my bills.

Cheapy binders help me. I color code them to hold all my miscellaneaous papers that I tend to collect from my many doctor and therapy appts. I want to keep them to refer to but don't like them spread throughout the house or cluttering my desk top. So for me, white is my doctor binder. Blue is for physical therapy, and green is for my regular doctor. This is a great place to store the warnings and need to know inserts for the medicines you are taking also. Don't forget to tell family members about them too. My hubby knows right where to go if he ever had to answer any question about what meds I am taking.

Altoid anyone? You know in the morning when you can't bear the thought of getting up and moving? Your brain is in a fog and you haven't even moved a toe outside the covers? Place a tin of altoids on your nightstand. You know... the curiously strong mint? Not only is it good to pop in your mouth when people snuggle up... its great to pop in your mouth on those mornings you can't get moving. Peppermint is known to stop the substance P to your brain. Kind of like a short circuit. Just let it melt in your mouth as you lay there and see if it helps lift the "fog" and gets your brain up and going so you can get your body up and to the shower.

Whats YOUR number? :) Sleep number that is! The sleep number bed came recommended highly for those thinking about a change in mattress's. Warning *it will make you suceptible for being a bed snob" LOL! When sleeping at motels or in friends guest rooms you'll be laying there coveting your number bed at home. HA!

When standing in the kitchen doing your 15 minutes worth of dishes, open the cupboard and prop your foot up. It relieves pressure. If you have a full cupboard like some unnamed people, grab a short step stool and use that.

Focus people! A certain retired doctor who shall remain nameless :) mentioned for us to keep our focus when shopping. (Who me?) Instead of meandering up and down the aisles wasting our much needed energy, go just to the aisles that your stuff is located. Get in and get out. Ask the grocers where certain stuff is so you don't have to do a search. Well, duh! Why didn't I think of that?! So easy, yet you will find me dazed and confused fumbling my way up and down those aisles.

Another lovely lady suggested making a grocery list that is segregated into groups where things are located in the store. Brilliant! This might take some planning at first. But dang if I am not going to try this. Sticking to a list, and eliminating "tour de aisles," will save energy and money! Bravo folks. Way to point out the obvious and stop our befuddled keisters in our tracks.

Here are the last of the great ideas:

The Dollar Tree is currently carrying a lumbar support piece for your chair for a dollar. Now thats about as inexpensive as you can get!

A Shiatsu pillow can be helpful. Also an old boppy pillow. Take some of the stuffing out til' its comfortable. Then its the perfect pillow to wrap around you to support your arms and elbows while driving. You'll arrive at your destination and hopefully in less pain.

Sew tubes together and fill with rice or flax. A mixture of both rice and flax together will hold the heat in longer.

A vacuum sealer can make reusable ice packs if you put in a little rubbing alcohol in the water. Play with it til' you get the right combination. Or be like our newest member and grab that mashed up frozen squash if your in a pinch. Did you know that "mashed" frozen foods holds up for a longer period of time than lets say a bag of peas? (Good to know!)

Voice dictation on a computer saves your hands and wrists. A program like Dragon Natural Speaking or Talk It/Type It. One of the men in our group gave us this great tip. So yes, "men" are also welcome to attend. Chronic pain and fibromyalgia doesn't affect just women, so if you know a sufferer, tell them to come and join our group. Everyone is welcome!

For those of you that are stranded in bed and need to lay flat, have someone locate you some prism glasses! They are definately "different" looking. I will admit that. But what a great invention! They allow you to write while laying flat or watch tv. Its really quite cool.

Just spray "Clean Shower" after each shower to keep your shower walls clean and mold free.

When working at a desk for long periods you may want to prop your feet up on a 2x4 to eleviate the pressure off your back.

Feet flat on the floor people. Keeps your hips from aching. (This one is so hard for me!)

All of these tips are remarkable. But do remember that what works for one, might not work for another. So keep exploring to find what works for you!

1 comment:

  1. Our speaker for the April 10th meeting will be Mary Carter, a local FeldenKrais practitioner. Mary has graciously offered a session to the winner of our drawing. You must be present to win. come join us!
    In friendship,
    Janice, AKA Chester the Cat
